Monthly Archives: March 2016

Baseball Season is Here!

With Little League season in full swing I knew I was already behind the ball in getting my handmade baseball jewelry back on line.  With social media becoming the latest greatest way to showcase and sell handmade products I thought I’d give it a shot!  Enter, a pretty nifty and surprisingly easy way for shoppers to purchase items through Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.  It took a little time to set up, but I’m anxious to see if its a home run 😉 My best sellers are available now, and I plan to add new items each week.  Here are some of them, all are handmade from authentic leather baseballs.  See everything currently available at my spreesy shop.

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Back to work!

So far, 2016 has been kind of a drag. After breaking my heel (did NOT know you can do that), and various complications surrounding that fiasco, I had to close up shop for awhile. That got me thinking about the hamster wheel I had put myself on and the elusive work/life balance I’ve been struggling, like so many of us, to achieve. I love my work, but instead of running a business it was running me. I’m glad to be back, and here you will see what’s NEW with Feather & Bean. For starters, I am attempting to learn WordPress and manage this website on my own… Wish me luck! I’m not quite ready to open the Etsy shop yet, but I’m finally moving forward and today begins my Happy New Year!